Your Blouberg Dietitian - 076 411 3339
Your Blouberg Dietitian - 076 411 3339
WORTH 1000 VITALITY POINTS (R550 per person)
45 minute nutritional assessment that includes a short lifestyle and nutritional assessment, body composition analysis and results interpretation.
1000 Vitality points loaded afterwards.
PLEASE NOTE: 1000 Vitality points loaded free of charge when booking a 1st consultation.
WORTH UP TO 22 500 POINTS (No payment on the day)
All members of Discovery can do 2 Health checks per year.
This check is paid for from the Risk and preventative benefit - you will not have to pay anything on the day.
Includes: HIV testing, Lipogram (full cholesterol profile) + blood glucose testing, blood pressure measure, posture analysis, eye sight screening, dietary and lifestyle screening.
Do you have stubborn fat pockets, cellulite or loose skin that you want to get rid of? Then this is the answer you've been looking for!
Our dietetics services will continue as before.
COMING SOON: Exciting combo packages
(dietitian services + Slimming studio)
To schedule a consultation OR slimming session:
WhatsApp/call: 076 411 3339